RWT: Legolas, Gimli, and JK Rowling Teach us how to Write an Action Scene
Today's Random Writing Tip, as requested, will discuss some ways to improve your fight scenes. So the biggest and most repeated tip I've heard about writing action scenes is to use short, choppy sentences. I guess the idea is for this to demonstrate the quick pace of the scene, but I'm here to tell you NO. This is not a technique I use regularly in my own writing. (Keep in mind, I'm not a professional, this is all just my opinion and what works best for me) It feels awkward when I try and put these short sentences together, especially if it's coming from the POV of a character who doesn't typically speak in choppy fragments. I think the easiest way to talk about this is to give an example from a book lots of people are familiar with. We can probably all agree that the Harry Potter series has been pretty successful. So let's look at how the queen JK herself approaches an action scene. "The air exploded. They had been grouped together, Har...