RWT: Why I Keep a Notepad in my Shower

Okay so I don't actually have a notepad in my shower. I use the notes app on my phone, which has a very convenient waterproof case. I had to get a waterproof case for one very simple reason: I have a terrible memory.

So here's how this works. I have a great idea for a character, scene, or whatever to put in my book. I think to myself that's a great idea, and then I COMPLETELY FORGET ABOUT IT LATER.

For some reason, and I really hope I'm not the only one with this affliction, I can't keep an idea in my head for longer than five-ish minutes. I start thinking about all the stuff I have to do (or other random/unimportant things like the difference between a pickle and a cucumber) and by the time I get around to jotting that idea down, IT'S GONE.

Also not sure if this is just me, but 95% of my ideas come to me in the shower. I'm starting to think there's some kind of inspirational shower genie that just hangs out in there with me and massages my brain. That or my well water is laced with something crazy.

The first few times I got hit with an idea while shampooing my hair, I made the mistake of waiting until I was done showering to try and write it down. BIG MISTAKE. Guess what, it was gone. I had to learn the hard way that my genie doesn't follow me out of the bathroom.

So the next time I had an idea, I actually jumped out of the shower mid-wash so I could run to my computer and type it up really fast. Well naturally I was dripping water all over the place, not to mention freezing cold, and my laptop didn't appreciate the splattering. I did that two or three more times over the course of the next week before I finally realized how dumb it was. Next step: waterproof phone case.

Boom. Problem solved.

The moral of this story is to write your ideas down IMMEDIATELY. Whether they come to you in the shower, on the treadmill, or in your car (okay make sure you pull over for that one) you need to record them before you forget. Because trust me, no matter how good you think your memory is, I guarantee you've lost a brilliant idea in there somewhere amongst the craziness of your day to day life.

If you're serious about writing, try to keep something handy at all times for jotting down ideas. It can be a notepad you keep in your purse or pocket. It can be your phone or a stack of sticky notes you collect on a corkboard in your bedroom. Find what works best for you and use it.

One thing I've recently started doing is texting myself ideas. I don't know if this works for every type of phone, but I literally have a text conversation going with myself that is just a list of things I want to include in my book. I like it because I almost always have my phone handy and can just shoot myself a quick text to read later if I'm in the middle of something.

So what do you think? How do you overcome your forgetfulness when it comes to writing? As always, leave any tips or questions in the comments below. Thanks!
